WisFish.com (千夏資訊) Apps

進銷存(批發業) 2.07
本APP僅供本公司授權之客戶使用! 試用請下載:千夏-進銷存(批發業)展示版進銷存(批發業)可以輕鬆掃描各式條碼,蒐集盤點數量,並將盤點的資料即時回傳後端管理系統,結合至現有ERP系統.---特點 :* 支援 EAN8, EAN13, CODE39, CODE128, QRCOD...* 支援多地區(倉庫/櫃架處)盤點與GPS合併記錄* 特定盤點地點之品項清單* 品項庫存統計報表* 退貨與下架作業* 自動產生待進待出貨單* 進貨管理* 銷貨管理* 廠客資訊---# 需要完整展示或提供客製化設計請洽 mailto: [email protected]# 存貨盤點, 條碼盤點# Warehouse and Inventory Management# Inventory Movement
機電工程mERP - 千勝機電工程 1.2.8
僅供 千勝機電工程(股)公司 所屬員工專用. (需帳密與員工ID進行認證及開通)---千勝機電工程(股)公司創立於1997年,係一經驗豐富、品質優良,技術水準卓越的公司。千勝專業於儀電、機電、通訊、給排水、消防、空調及設備安裝等工程。為加強對工程技術與品質管理的提昇,於1999年取得ISO-9001品質認證。曾參與國家重大建設工程如:高鐵機電、通訊系統,核四計畫一號機設備安裝,中龍鋼鐵高爐設備安裝等,並參與和信電訊自建網路。且於2009年榮獲『核四龍門施工處頒發工安優良獎狀』。千勝秉持客戶至上、品質第一、工安注重的理念,與各大建設公司及營建廠商密確配合,共同謀求雙方最大利益。---APP功能包含:1. HRM: 線上打卡鐘, 單位聯絡資訊, 員工守則與須知, 管理規章...2. BPM電子化簽核: 公告(n), 交辦任務(n), 請假申請, ...3. 工程專案: 工務各項管理(進出料件, 倉管...)4. 我的員工資訊5. 推播公司各項通知訊息6. 內稽內控審查與預警報表設計本App委由 千夏資訊 開發, 專為中大型機電工程業提供完整的資訊e化解決方案, 若需Demo請與[email protected] 聯絡。Only winningestElectrical and Mechanical Engineering (shares) the company owneddedicated employees. (Need to close accounts and employee IDauthentication and opening)---Winningest Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (shares) thecompany was founded in 1997, a Department of experienced,high-quality, excellent technical level of the company. Winningestprofessional instrument in electrical, electronics, communications,water supply and drainage, fire, and air-conditioning equipmentinstallation and other projects. In order to strengthen and enhancethe quality of engineering and technology management, and achievedISO-9001 quality certification in 1999. Has been involved in majornational construction projects such as: high-speed electronics,communications systems, nuclear power plant No. 1 crane equipmentinstallation plans, Dragon Steel blast furnace equipmentinstallation, and participation and self Telecom network. And wonthe "nuclear power plant construction at Longmen excellentindustrial safety certificate issued" in 2009. Winningest upholdthe customer first, quality first, pay attention to work safetyconcept, with major construction companies and construction firmsclose indeed, together, to seek the best interests of bothparties.---APP features include:1. HRM: online time clocks, unit contact information, employeecodes and instructions, administrative rules ...2. BPM electronic sign-off: Bulletin (n), the tasks assigned (n),leave requests, ...3. Engineering Project: Works of the management (access to rawmaterials and parts, warehouse ...)4. My staff information5. Push the notification message Companies6. The internal auditing and internal control review of the EarlyWarning Report DesignerThe App appointed, designed for medium and large electrical andmechanical engineering industry provides information developed byChika complete information e solutions, please contact Demo pleasecontact [email protected].
Inventory Data Terminal 1.2
Inventory Data TerminalStep:1. Login your Google account.2. Scanning QR code3. Input amount then click finish. App will auto-writing datatoyour file of Google Drive. (File name ex. WF-IDT 2016/04/29)4. You can export data to a EXCEL file.
3+2郵遞區號 1.1.2
本系統查詢請依下列方式輸入:連江縣各鄉以「村名」輸入,其餘請以「地名、路街名(部分含村里名)」輸入(或點選)適當欄位,才能查得郵遞區號。「釣魚台列嶼」 編在宜蘭縣轄區內,「東沙群島」、「南沙群島」編在高雄市轄區內。The system queriespleaseenter the following manner in accordance with: LianjiangCountytownships of "village name" input, please rest 'names, Lu Jiename(section including the village name) "enter (or click)theappropriate fields to Richard zip code."Diaoyutai" compiled in Yilan County area, "the DongshaIslands,""Nansha Islands" compiled in the Kaohsiung area.